Katie Musgrove loves to serve
As chair of the Employee Forum, she is proud of its work to ensure staff voices are heard and their concerns addressed.

Katie Musgrove, the business officer for UNC School of Law’s clinical programs, became chair of the UNC Employee Forum in April 2021.
Musgrove graduated from Carolina in 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in history and began her professional career at the University, working in multiple roles in several departments.
Musgrove’s desire to give back to the Carolina community led to her interest in the forum. She first became a delegate in 2016, led the community service committee and eventually was elected vice chair. Calling service her “love language,” Musgrove focuses on providing professional opportunities for Carolina’s staff and promoting their well-being.
Continue reading for a Q&A with Katie Musgrove:
What is the Employee Forum and how does it contribute to the University?
The Employee Forum is the body that represents the over 9,000 nonfaculty staff on campus. We meet monthly and work through committees to advocate to the administration on issues of staff concern. We have a great relationship with the administration to make sure that staff across campus are well taken care of and are prioritized as valued members of the Carolina community.
Why did you get involved in the Employee Forum?
The Employee Forum sponsors the two Carolina Blood Drives held on campus every year, and that’s what first attracted me to the group. I created a broader community service committee that supported more than the blood drive, including the community garden, food drives and toy drives for UNC Children’s Hospital. We also encouraged staff to use the community service leave benefit.
What does the Employee Forum do that you’re proud of?
So many things. We offer grants to support professional development for staff across campus. We also have the Carolina Family Scholarship, which provides scholarships for employees’ children to come to Carolina or any of the other UNC System schools.
We also go to the chancellor and administration to talk about the pain points we’re feeling. The forum brings staff voices to the forefront and helps the administration understand what we’re seeing on a day-to-day basis. I’m proud of the work we do.
Why did you decide to run for chair?
I became vice chair under past chair Shayna Hill’s leadership. She is one of my biggest mentors. She leads with heart and empathy and cares for those around her. Her passion for staff was contagious.A lot of times staff get overlooked. They are the behind-the-scenes force that makes Carolina great. It’s important to take care of them.
What are your goals for the Employee Forum?
One big thing that the Employee Forum collaborates with the administration on is finding creative solutions around affordable housing. Staff typically can’t afford to live in this area because it’s very expensive. We’re also restructuring our bylaws to create a chair-elect system. This would create more continuity of leadership and allow a chair-elect some time to onboard as chair.
How can Carolina staff who are interested get involved in the Employee Forum?
We have annual elections in April, so be on the lookout for that process in the spring. But you don’t have to be a delegate to serve on any of our committees, and our meetings are open. We have monthly meetings where we talk with the administration about key issues. I encourage folks to listen in via YouTube or to join our meetings and participate in whatever way works best for them.