University News

Campus Y committee completes work

Chancellor Lee H. Roberts accepted the committee's recommendation about the space's future.

Flowers in front of Campus Y Building
(University Communications)

A committee appointed by Chancellor Lee H. Roberts to examine the future of the Campus Y building has completed its work. 

Roberts has accepted the committee’s recommendation that the space assigned to the UNC Y staff and Campus Y should remain unchanged. 

The Campus Y Committee, chaired by Chancellor Emeritus James Moeser and Richard Stevens, former chair of the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees, built on existing efforts across the University to broadly examine building space and how it is allocated. It found that the building is meeting its “highest and best use standard.” 

The Campus Y currently includes three distinct entities: the UNC Y (a department within Student Affairs), the Campus Y student organization and the building itself.  The committee brought together a full range of perspectives from across the campus community to provide input about space use within the building. 

The building houses six functions: the Anne Queen Faculty Commons, the UNC Y staff, the Campus Y student organization, Meantime Coffee, the Blue Ram Cafe and the academic scheduling of classes by the University Registrar. The committee found those uses have worked well together for some time and recommended no changes. 

Hours of operation and access will also remain the same. The University will add appropriate building staff – student staff or department staff – if hours are expanded.

“I want to thank the distinguished leaders and all who served on this committee,” said Chancellor Lee H. Roberts. “They brought a wealth of historical knowledge, practical insights and a variety of input to this topic. The group worked quickly and thoroughly and we very much appreciate their time and dedicated service to Carolina.”

Other committee members included:

  • Aaron Bachenheimer, associate vice chancellor for Student Engagement
  • Virginia Carson, retired director of the Campus Y
  • Rudi Colloredo-Mansfield, alumnus, professor of anthropology
  • Sari Ghirmay-Morgan, student
  • Wendy Halsey, associate vice chancellor for Facilities Services
  • Lilah Krueger, student
  • Jill Moore, secretary of the faculty
  • Kara Simmons, associate vice chancellor, Office of University Counsel
  • Ken Smith, alumnus
  • Lauryn Taylor, student
  • Clay Thorp, alumnus
  • Yalitza Ramos, director of UNC Y, ex-officio