Environmental researchers produce a stream of data
Amanda DelVecchia's lab measures greenhouse gas emissions in freshwater sites to gauge their impact.
Check out photos and videos capturing life on campus and the great work done by Tar Heels.
Amanda DelVecchia's lab measures greenhouse gas emissions in freshwater sites to gauge their impact.
University photographers Johnny Andrews and Jon Gardiner show scenes from the beginning of the new school year.
New Tar Heels celebrated their arrival on campus at convocation, FallFest, Sunset Serenade and more.
The fall semester at Carolina is officially underway. Back in Chapel Hill and eager to begin the new school year, students reunited with friends, took a sip from the Old Well, met with Chancellor Lee H. Roberts and went to class.
(Photos by Johnny Andrews and Jon Gardiner)
In this video, hear what members of the Class of 2028 are excited about and what they'll miss from home.
Move-in is in full swing at Carolina. Thousands of new and returning students — with the help of their loved ones — are unpacking cars, doing some heavy lifting, and setting up their dorm rooms. Take a look at how Tar Heels are settling into their homes for the new school year.
(Photos by Johnny Andrews and Jon Gardiner, University Communications)
Entrepreneur and first-year student Alyssa Crane makes and sells paintings and jewelry.
First-year students from across the state share what they hope to accomplish at Carolina.