Dancing turtles unlock scientific discovery
Carolina researchers publish a groundbreaking study on how turtles navigate using the Earth’s magnetic field.
Carolina researchers publish a groundbreaking study on how turtles navigate using the Earth’s magnetic field.
After 18 seasons and 45 productions, set designer Jan Chambers will retire Feb. 16.
Ross W. Lampe Jr.'s $20 million investment will transform the Lampe Joint Biomedical Engineering department.
Ronit Freeman uses nature’s building blocks to create innovative technologies to detect and fight disease.
Keynote speaker Cheryl Brown Henderson told students at the Jan. 30 event, “You are the dream Dr. King spoke of.”
In a campus message, Chancellor Lee H. Roberts and Provost J. Christopher Clemens detailed how UNC-Chapel Hill will implement UNC System guidance.
At the UNC School of Government’s orientation, politicians from both sides of the aisle learn how to govern.
The New York Times
Nabarun Dasgupta, street drug expert at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health, explains how a decentralized process for reporting drug overdoses makes it difficult to quickly identify trend changes.
UNC-Chapel Hill Kenan-Flagler Business School economist and professor Camelia Kuhnen discusses studies that have explored the human tendency to fixate on huge payoffs and become susceptible to gambling.
Psychology Today
Sara Algoe, social psychologist and UNC-Chapel Hill psychology professor, explains the significance of a similar sense of humor and shared laughing in boosting feelings of connection.
Keynote speaker Cheryl Brown Henderson told students at the Jan. 30 event, “You are the dream Dr. King spoke of.”
Selected from 588 nominations, the winners are skilled instructors and “true champions of the student.”
The U.S. government honor is the highest given to scientists and engineers who show exceptional potential.
The prestigious award fully funds a master’s program in global affairs at Beijing’s Tsinghua University.
The Morehead-Cain scholar will continue his studies in economics at the University of Oxford.
Selected from 588 nominations, the winners are skilled instructors and “true champions of the student.”
Helicopter rescue specialist Matthew Mauzy participated in the state’s largest rescue operation in a decade.
The applied mathematics professor stressed the importance of community in accepting the honor Dec. 13.
FedEx Global Education Center
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FedEx Global Education Center
Thu, February 1305:30 pm
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Thu, February 1307:30 pm
Bioinformatics Building
Fri, February 1409:15 am