
Taking the air with WXYC

Broadcast out of the Student Union, WXYC is the University’s free-form radio station. The station aims to bring new and different music to the airwaves.

When you tune into 89.3 FM near Chapel Hill, you’ll likely hear music you’ve never heard before. For the Tar Heels behind the student-run WXYC radio station, that’s the goal.

“It’s really our job to open people up to these sounds that they wouldn’t otherwise hear,” said rising senior Sean Sabye.

Broadcast out of the Student Union, WXYC is the University’s free-form radio station, which covers more than 900 square miles in North Carolina. The station aims to bring new and different music to the airwaves.

“We encourage experimentation by our DJs,” said recent graduate Molly Horan. “We really try to give airtime to music that wouldn’t get mainstream attention otherwise. I think what’s been really great about WXYC  — everyone’s so open to exploration and so open to different types of music that you can kind of do whatever you want.”

Press the play button above to learn more about WXYC