Message from Chancellor Folt and the Board of Trustees on the Confederate Monument
As the University works toward a plan for the Confederate Monument’s “disposition and preservation," Carolina has created a dedicated email address for anyone to submit ideas about the statue’s future.

Dear Carolina Community:
As you likely are aware, recently the UNC System Board of Governors gave the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees and me a clear path to develop a plan for the Confederate Monument’s “disposition and preservation.” We have been asked to present our plan to UNC System President Margaret Spellings and the Board of Governors by November 15, 2018.
I know that many in our community and beyond feel passionately about the monument. As a next step, we have created a dedicated email address,, for anyone to submit ideas about the statue’s future. While we will not be able to provide individual responses, we will carefully review and consider all ideas as we prepare a plan to present to the Board of Governors in November. Please note that all email submissions will be subject to disclosure under North Carolina’s public records law.
Thank you in advance for your input on this important topic that will help shape the future of Carolina.
Chancellor Carol L. Folt and the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees