Message from campus leaders on Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week
This week gives Carolina the opportunity to honor and acknowledge the tremendous contributions of more than 10,700 graduate and professional students who play critical roles in all aspects of the University.

Dear Carolina community,
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill celebrates a long history of excellence in graduate and professional studies, with more than 80 programs offering 160 different graduate and professional degrees. April 6-10, 2020 is Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week,and it gives us the opportunity to honor and acknowledge the tremendous contributions of more than 10,700 graduate and professional students who play critical roles in all aspects of the University’s strategic plan, Carolina Next: Innovations for Public Good.
Carolina’s graduate and professional students discover new knowledge that guides decision-making; they influence new interpretations of art and literature; and they guide cutting edge science that creates inventive technologies. They ask challenging questions and drive research that promotes democracy. As instructors and advisors they strengthen student success, and their innovative work serves to benefit society. Carolina’s graduate and professional students help to build our community together through inclusive and equitable engagement on campus, throughout the state of North Carolina and all over the world.
We invite and encourage the Carolina Community to join the Graduate School in promoting Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week. This week and always, we appreciate all that our graduate and professional students accomplish and contribute to our great University.
Robert A. Blouin
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Suzanne E. Barbour
Dean of the Graduate School