Creating a pathway to Carolina
Community college to Carolina
Launched in 2006 with support from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, the Carolina Student Transfer Excellence Program provides a pathway for community college students to transfer to and graduate from Carolina. It is just one way that the University is fulfilling its mission of providing greater access to higher education for all North Carolinians.
The program fosters success by identifying talented low- to moderate-income North Carolina students while they’re in high school or early in their community college careers, and then guarantees the students admission to Carolina after they earn an associate degree with a GPA of at least 3.2.
C-STEP also provides supports and resources, from advisors to peer mentors, to prepare and empower students to thrive once they arrive in Chapel Hill.
- 1,200+C-STEP students served since 2006
- 47%of C-STEP students qualify for the Carolina Covenant
- 115+students affiliated with the military
- 262C-STEP students currently at Carolina
- 14community college partners throughout North Carolina
- 3.0average GPA of C-STEP students upon graduation from Carolina
C-STEP provided an amazing pathway in a direction I wouldn’t have taken without an intermediate step. The security of knowing I was guaranteed to move forward with hard work, and the added guidance for navigating the transfer from military to college life, was an incredible benefit.
Jordan Truglio, a Carolina junior, C-STEP student and Marine Corps veteran
I have seen students pull themselves out of poverty. I have seen students go back to the community in which they grew up and influence real change among young people. I have seen them freely give their own time to help others realize a Carolina dream, and I have seen entire families change because one student had the courage to apply.
Rebecca Egbert, the C-STEP program director and associate director of undergraduate admissions
Carolina is my home. This program has made my experience a lot better. It’s helped me to not be nervous to go out and do different things that I wouldn’t have done. C-STEP has given me a lot of opportunities that I enjoy being a part of.
Skylar Mclean, a Carolina senior and a C-STEP student